Each year, the Madison-Ainaro Sister City Alliance and Medical Aid for East Timor present the popular Tour de Timor bike ride. It's a fun family-friendly event that combines a relaxed ride around beautiful Lake Monona with fundraising for an important cause.
If you'd like to participate, download and print a registration form below. If you'd like to help us organize or publicize this yearly gathering, please email madison@etan.org.
Participating in the Tour de Timor is fun and easy! Simply download our registration sheet, collect pledges from your friends and co-workers, then come ride with us! We always have a nice variety of super prizes for those who gather the most pledges, and -- of course -- 100% of the proceeds from every ride go directly to solidarity programs in East Timor. (Or, if you can't collect pledges, you can just pay a $25 registration fee on the day of the ride.)
The registration form is available in PDF format:

Each year, we have a super crowd of folks from around the Madison area joining us in a fun afternoon for a great cause. Here are some photos of recent rides:
And be sure to check out our video compilations:
Tour de Timor X: 2009
Tour de Timor 2008
Promotional Materials
Here are the t-shirt and poster designs from past rides:
We've also made some fun cartoons in the past to advertise the ride. Enjoy these Flash animations: