Photos from Soro road outside of Ainaro  June 11, 2002 Click to enlarge
1 palm fruit and bamboo on soro road
4 scenery on Soro road outside Ainaro town
5 plant of Euphorbia family; part of living fence
13 palm fruits on Soro road
2 traditional thatched roof on Soro road
3 thatched roof on Soro road
6 girl we met on Soro road
7 strange umbrella   on Soro road
8  clinic destroyed in 1999 on Soro road
9 home beside Soro road
10 coffee growing along Soro road
11 thatched roof, corrugated metal, bamboo siding
12 Strange tree hangings seen from Soro road
14 stream bed along Soro road
15 motorcycle on Soro road
16 rugged strip of Soro road
17 rice and/or fishpond beside Soro road
18 goat along Soro road
19 ducks along Soro road
20 pig on Soro road
21 pig crossing bridge on Soro road
22 soccer players outside Soro schooll
23 pigs , motorcycle in Soro